
Movies Being Released In Theaters!

After looking at many different websites seeing which movies are planned to be released in theaters. IMDB has provided a list of the following movies:

  1. Venom: Let There Be Carnage

2. The Adams Family 2

3. No Time to Die

4. Halloween Kills

5. The Last Duel

6. Dune

7. Antlers

8. Eternals

9. Finch

10. Clifford The Big Red Dog

11. Ghostbusters Afterlife

12. West Side Story

13. Spiderman No Way Home

13. Sing 2

14. The King’s Man


The Pandemic Nobody Saw Coming:


It was the end of 2019, and people were just going on about there normal lives. They were still doing there everyday things from working, going to school, hanging out with friends and family, etc. Then, people started talking about some kind of virus that was starting to make its way around the world. Some people didn’t pay too much attention to it because at the time, there were worse things going on in the world. For example, the one major event that took the entire world and especially the sport’s world by surprise was the horrible and untimely death of NBA legend Kobe Bryant. His untimely passing shook people to their core. His daughter and their friends were killed in a major helicopter crash in California while they were headed to his daughter’s basketball game. While his death was being talked about everywhere in the world, there was something sinister lurking in the shadows. Enter…The Coronavirus 19 Pandemic.

Covid-19 Pandemic World Wide Infections:


The image above is only a snapshot of just some of the millions of infections around the globe. For more current and up to date Covid-19 news, click: https://www.bing.com/covid/local/unitedstates?form=C19ANS

Summary of Unprecedented World Events:

On January 9th, in 2020, according to the site ajmc.com, the W.H.O publicly announced a strange and new Coronavirus that had similar characteristics to the regular pneumonia was starting to make its way around certain parts of the world. The W.H.O determined that they found most cases were coming from the Wuhan province in China. On January 20th, the CDC announced it would begin screening at the different U.S. airports for this new virus. On January 21st, the CDC publicly confirmed the first U.S. Coronavirus case in Washington D.C. The same day a Chinese scientist confirmed the novel Covid-19 virus can be transmitted by human to human. In Wuhan, China on January 23rd, Wuhan was placed on strict lockdown. On January 31st, the WHO issued a global health emergency.

Timeline of Events:

  • February 2 — the lobal air travel was restricted.
  • February 3 — US Declares Public Health Emergency.
  • February 10 — China’s COVID-19 Deaths Exceed Those of SARS Crisis.
  • February 25 — CDC Says COVID-19 Is Heading Toward Pandemic Status.
  • March 6 — 21 Passengers on California Cruise Ship Test Positive.
  • March 11 — WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic.
  • March 13 — Trump Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency.
  • March 13 — Travel Ban on Non-US Citizens Traveling From Europe Goes Into Effect.
  • March 17 — University of Minnesota Begins Testing Hydroxychloroquine.
  • March 17 — CMS Temporarily Expands Use of Telehealth.
  • March 17 — Administration Asks Congress to Send Americans Direct Financial Relief.
  • March 19 — California Issues Statewide Stay-at-Home Order.
  • March 24 — With Clinical Trials on Hold, Innovation Stalls.
  • March 25 — Reports Find Extended Shutdowns Can Delay Second Wave.
  • March 26 — Senate Passes CARES Act.
  • March 27 — Trump Signs CARES Act Into Law.
  • March 30 — FDA Authorizes Use of Hydroxychloroquine.
  • April 29 — NIH Trial Shows Early Promise for Remdesivir.
  • May 12 — Death Toll Likely Underestimated, Fauci Testifies.
  • May 21 — United States and AstraZeneca Form Vaccine Deal.
  • May 28 — US COVID-19 Deaths Pass the 100,000 Mark.
  • June 10 — US COVID-19 Cases Reach 2 Million.

The Last Curtin Call

See the source image

This post will be my final post until next year, 2022. What I hoped to provide people with is an outlet for how Covid-19 has affected the movie industry in some negative was as well as positive ways. While Covid-19 has taken the world by surprise, it has showed and taught us all that we must be prepared for anything and everything at a moment’s notice. Being prepared for the worst-case scenario is something that all of us must be ready for. This pandemic has been nothing but relentless and unforgiving and a real pain in the butt for the entire world. It does not matter who you are and what skin color you are and what sex and what your ethic background is, Covid-19 has affected everyone in some capacity.

There is well over 5.2 million deaths worldwide and the deaths unfortunately will continue to rise in the coming months and years. Though, this is something that we all must come to grips with as Covid-19 will still be around until the end of time sadly. There is no hope to truly eradicate it. While wearing masks in public and at home is something that has become a daily and routinely part of our lives, this is something that we also must get used to as well. When we go out to eat with friends and family, when we go to work and school, when we go on vacations and travel on planes, when we go to the movie theaters, we must be more conscientious and understanding to other people around us that wearing masks and making sure people are vaccinated, taking other therapeutics is the only way we will ever get back to normal.

I have gone through what everyone else has gone through, having known someone that contracted Covid like a family member or friend. I am able to relate to the average person when it comes to wanting to go back enjoying going to the movies with my friends, going to sport games, concerts, birthday parties, weddings, etc. We must all try to work together and put our differences aside if we all want to get back to normal again. I do like to think positive and do hope for the best. While things may look really grim and depressing now, I do believe that next year in 2022 and beyond, that the world and the movie industry will come back stronger and better than ever before.

Movie Theaters or At Home? Which choice is right for you:

Reasons to go to the movies:

  • to make memories with friends and family
  • to be sociable with your friends
  • to be out of your house and in public
  • to limit your distractions and silence your phone for a few hours

Reasons to Stay at Home to watch Movies:

  • do not have to get dressed; can stay in pajamas
  • minimal cost to watch movies and eat food
  • involves no traveling
  • sitting in the comfort of your own home


  1. Free Guy:


2. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings:


3. Halloween Kills:


4. The Last Duel:


5. The Adams Family:


6. Antlers:


7. Venom: Let There Be Carnage


8. James Bond: No Time to Die


9. Dune:


10. Clifford the Big Red Dog:


11. Eternals:


12. Ghostbusters: Afterlife


13. House of Gucci:


Christopher Tsarouhas’ Backstory:

Hello everyone!

Movie Buff:

Fun Facts:

  • Going to the movies is a social event and it is also a bonding event with my family.
  • Watching movies is a huge hobby for myself,
  • My favorite movie genera is action
  • My favorite movie franchise Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe/MCU)
  • My favorite all time movie is Avengers Endgame

Why going to the movies is such an important lifestyle for myself:

  • Movies are a way for me to stay connected with the entertainment industry and world.
  • Going to the movie theater is a way where me and my dad have a lot of bonding time.
  • My dad and me have been going to the movie theaters since I was 8 years old.
  • My dad and I both love the same types of movies.
  • Going to the actual theater itself is a time where I can get out of my house and just relax, have a good time.
  • Sitting down for 2 hours is nice cause I can forget about all the crazy things that are going on in the world.

The appreciation aspect I have for movies:

Of a decade now, I have come to increasingly have a tremendous appreciation for everyone involved with the making of a movie. It takes tens of thousands sometimes more to make a successful movie. There are so many things that goes into creating a successful, box office hit movie. Just to name a few: 1) the budget for the making of a movie, 2) the time that it takes to create a movie, the projected revenue the movie will make in the end, 3) the many thousands of people it takes to create a movie, 4) the salary these people make when making the movie, 5) the logistics, 6) the experience these people need, amongst many other things to make a successful movie.

Main Goal:

The main goal I have is when it comes to watching movies whether it’s in the actual theater or if it’s in the comfort of your own home, is tell you that movies should be a fun and enjoyable experience for anyone, regardless of age. Watching movies should make you laugh, cry, get angry, think, sit in silence, etc. Watching movies should also be a bonding experience with the family. Going to the movies with your friends is also something every young kid should be able to do in their young lives. Also, going to the movies is also a very common thing when it comes to taking out your girlfriend or boyfriend on a date. These are just a few reasons out of many why movies in general are considered such a big part of American life.