Christopher Tsarouhas’ Backstory:

Hello everyone!

Movie Buff:

Fun Facts:

  • Going to the movies is a social event and it is also a bonding event with my family.
  • Watching movies is a huge hobby for myself,
  • My favorite movie genera is action
  • My favorite movie franchise Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe/MCU)
  • My favorite all time movie is Avengers Endgame

Why going to the movies is such an important lifestyle for myself:

  • Movies are a way for me to stay connected with the entertainment industry and world.
  • Going to the movie theater is a way where me and my dad have a lot of bonding time.
  • My dad and me have been going to the movie theaters since I was 8 years old.
  • My dad and I both love the same types of movies.
  • Going to the actual theater itself is a time where I can get out of my house and just relax, have a good time.
  • Sitting down for 2 hours is nice cause I can forget about all the crazy things that are going on in the world.

The appreciation aspect I have for movies:

Of a decade now, I have come to increasingly have a tremendous appreciation for everyone involved with the making of a movie. It takes tens of thousands sometimes more to make a successful movie. There are so many things that goes into creating a successful, box office hit movie. Just to name a few: 1) the budget for the making of a movie, 2) the time that it takes to create a movie, the projected revenue the movie will make in the end, 3) the many thousands of people it takes to create a movie, 4) the salary these people make when making the movie, 5) the logistics, 6) the experience these people need, amongst many other things to make a successful movie.

Main Goal:

The main goal I have is when it comes to watching movies whether it’s in the actual theater or if it’s in the comfort of your own home, is tell you that movies should be a fun and enjoyable experience for anyone, regardless of age. Watching movies should make you laugh, cry, get angry, think, sit in silence, etc. Watching movies should also be a bonding experience with the family. Going to the movies with your friends is also something every young kid should be able to do in their young lives. Also, going to the movies is also a very common thing when it comes to taking out your girlfriend or boyfriend on a date. These are just a few reasons out of many why movies in general are considered such a big part of American life.

Published by christsarouhas007

I am an avid movie buff. I also play videogames when I have the time. I also like to travel whenever possible. I like to read and draw Marvel and Disney sketches. I also like spending time with my girlfriend Danielle.

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