The Pandemic Nobody Saw Coming:


It was the end of 2019, and people were just going on about there normal lives. They were still doing there everyday things from working, going to school, hanging out with friends and family, etc. Then, people started talking about some kind of virus that was starting to make its way around the world. Some people didn’t pay too much attention to it because at the time, there were worse things going on in the world. For example, the one major event that took the entire world and especially the sport’s world by surprise was the horrible and untimely death of NBA legend Kobe Bryant. His untimely passing shook people to their core. His daughter and their friends were killed in a major helicopter crash in California while they were headed to his daughter’s basketball game. While his death was being talked about everywhere in the world, there was something sinister lurking in the shadows. Enter…The Coronavirus 19 Pandemic.

Covid-19 Pandemic World Wide Infections:


The image above is only a snapshot of just some of the millions of infections around the globe. For more current and up to date Covid-19 news, click:

Summary of Unprecedented World Events:

On January 9th, in 2020, according to the site, the W.H.O publicly announced a strange and new Coronavirus that had similar characteristics to the regular pneumonia was starting to make its way around certain parts of the world. The W.H.O determined that they found most cases were coming from the Wuhan province in China. On January 20th, the CDC announced it would begin screening at the different U.S. airports for this new virus. On January 21st, the CDC publicly confirmed the first U.S. Coronavirus case in Washington D.C. The same day a Chinese scientist confirmed the novel Covid-19 virus can be transmitted by human to human. In Wuhan, China on January 23rd, Wuhan was placed on strict lockdown. On January 31st, the WHO issued a global health emergency.

Timeline of Events:

  • February 2 the lobal air travel was restricted.
  • February 3 — US Declares Public Health Emergency.
  • February 10 — China’s COVID-19 Deaths Exceed Those of SARS Crisis.
  • February 25 — CDC Says COVID-19 Is Heading Toward Pandemic Status.
  • March 6 — 21 Passengers on California Cruise Ship Test Positive.
  • March 11 — WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic.
  • March 13 — Trump Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency.
  • March 13 — Travel Ban on Non-US Citizens Traveling From Europe Goes Into Effect.
  • March 17 — University of Minnesota Begins Testing Hydroxychloroquine.
  • March 17 — CMS Temporarily Expands Use of Telehealth.
  • March 17 — Administration Asks Congress to Send Americans Direct Financial Relief.
  • March 19 — California Issues Statewide Stay-at-Home Order.
  • March 24 — With Clinical Trials on Hold, Innovation Stalls.
  • March 25 — Reports Find Extended Shutdowns Can Delay Second Wave.
  • March 26 — Senate Passes CARES Act.
  • March 27 — Trump Signs CARES Act Into Law.
  • March 30 — FDA Authorizes Use of Hydroxychloroquine.
  • April 29 — NIH Trial Shows Early Promise for Remdesivir.
  • May 12 — Death Toll Likely Underestimated, Fauci Testifies.
  • May 21 — United States and AstraZeneca Form Vaccine Deal.
  • May 28 — US COVID-19 Deaths Pass the 100,000 Mark.
  • June 10 — US COVID-19 Cases Reach 2 Million.

Published by christsarouhas007

I am an avid movie buff. I also play videogames when I have the time. I also like to travel whenever possible. I like to read and draw Marvel and Disney sketches. I also like spending time with my girlfriend Danielle.

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