The Last Curtin Call

This post will be my final post until next year, 2022. What I hoped to provide people with is an outlet for how Covid-19 has affected the movie industry in some negative was as well as positive ways. While Covid-19 has taken the world by surprise, it has showed and taught us all that weContinue reading “The Last Curtin Call”

Movie Theaters or At Home? Which choice is right for you:

Reasons to go to the movies: to make memories with friends and family to be sociable with your friends to be out of your house and in public to limit your distractions and silence your phone for a few hours Reasons to Stay at Home to watch Movies: do not have to get dressed; canContinue reading “Movie Theaters or At Home? Which choice is right for you:”


Free Guy: DOMESTIC: $121,625,883 INTERNATIONAL: $209,870,070 WORLDWIDE: $331,495,953 2. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: DOMESTIC:$224,541,417INTERNATIONAL:$207,366,820WORLDWIDE:$431,908,237 3. Halloween Kills: DOMESTIC:$91,976,020INTERNATIONAL:$39,645,000WORLDWIDE:$131,621,020 4. The Last Duel: DOMESTIC:$10,852,142INTERNATIONAL:$18,992,700WORLDWIDE:$29,844,842 5. The Adams Family: DOMESTIC:$56,439,754INTERNATIONAL:$50,431,167WORLDWIDE:$106,870,921 6. Antlers: DOMESTIC:$10,524,556INTERNATIONAL:$7,396,382WORLDWIDE:$17,920,938 7. Venom: Let There Be Carnage DOMESTIC:$209,797,900INTERNATIONAL:$260,100,000WORLDWIDE:$469,897,900 8. James Bond: No Time to Die DOMESTIC:$158,483,647INTERNATIONAL:$597,888,000WORLDWIDE:$756,371,647 9. Dune: DOMESTIC:$102,621,989INTERNATIONAL:$271,500,000WORLDWIDE:$374,121,989 10. CliffordContinue reading “BOX OFFICE SUCCESSES:”

Movies Being Released In Theaters!

After looking at many different websites seeing which movies are planned to be released in theaters. IMDB has provided a list of the following movies: Venom: Let There Be Carnage 2. The Adams Family 2 3. No Time to Die 4. Halloween Kills 5. The Last Duel 6. Dune 7. Antlers 8. Eternals 9. FinchContinue reading “Movies Being Released In Theaters!”

The Pandemic Nobody Saw Coming:

It was the end of 2019, and people were just going on about there normal lives. They were still doing there everyday things from working, going to school, hanging out with friends and family, etc. Then, people started talking about some kind of virus that was starting to make its way around the world. SomeContinue reading “The Pandemic Nobody Saw Coming:”

Christopher Tsarouhas’ Backstory:

Hello everyone! Movie Buff: Why movies are so important to my life? Great question! I am 24 and I am all things movies and entertainment. I have been watching ever since I could talk. My first movie I ever saw was Monsters Inc. back in 2001 when I was just 4 years old! Movies areContinue reading “Christopher Tsarouhas’ Backstory:”